Stella Milano nacio en Misiones, Argentina, junto a las Cataratas del Iguazu, iniciando su vocacion a los 16 años como disk-jokey y animadora de programas radiales infantiles y television locales...recibiendo dos “Santa Clara de Asis” ... Television Nacional de Chile la contrato para dos de sus ciclos mas exitosos actuando en “Teatro como en el Teatro”y como cantante en “Sabor Latino”, de trascendencia continental... Radicada en Estados Unidos presenta en cadenas de Hoteles-Casinos sus shows en ingles y español ... “2 X 4 Tango” y junto al legendario cantante Horacio Deval “New Age Tango”, “Con Tango Art”y “Los Grandes del Tango”, en mas de 100 ciudades de USA, Canada, Mexico, Rep. Dominicana y Japon... Como “Star of the show” de Greg Thompson Productions (www.gregthompsonproductions.com ) encabezo los espectaculos “Caribbean Carnival Show” en el Hotel-Resort Hollyday Inn-Miami Beach-Florida, “Heatwave Show” en el Sheraton Hotel-Casino-Resort-King of Prussia-Filadelfia, “Womanism Show” en el Tokyo Hilton Hotel- Japon y en el presente año 2006 “Hot Hot Hot Show” en el Seven Feathers Hotel-Casino-Resort-Cayonville-Oregon, todos en temporadas de 6 meses continuos ... En California con MIA Records Inc. grabo los CDs “Tangos al estilo de Stella Milano”, “Tangos with The Taste of Woman” y “Mi apellido es Buenos Aires”... En Radios FM de Miami-Florida continua con sus exitosos programas en español e ingles “Tango y Milonga” diurno y “Conversando Tangos” nocturno ...En 2005 Berklee College of Music de Boston-Massachussetts la invito a dar una Clinica sobre “Perfomance & Stage Presence ” (Presencia y actuacion escenica) a sus estudiantes. En uno de sus Conciertos el Alcalde de la Ciudad de Milpitas-California

le entrego las “Llaves de la Ciudad” por su invaluable aporte a la difusion del “Tango. En Miami-Florida por su profesionalismo, dedicacion y participacion en innumerables actividades sociales, aportes beneficos el Alcalde la honro durante uno de sus Conciertos, con una Proclama de Reconocimiento en nombre de la Ciudad y sus Comunidades, al agradecer Stella expreso ... “ Creo que los grandes poetas y maestros musicales que enamoran a varias generaciones, estan dictados por una fuerza divina... angeles. Simplemente me siento orgullosa por ser parte de ese gran proyecto... mil gracias !!!”

In English
Stella Milano was born where the Iguazu Waterfalls meet Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. She began her career at a young age of 16 as a disc jockey of Kids shows and later proceeded to MC her own television shows, “Tiempo Libre” and “Exclusiva,” in which she won for 2 consecutive years the “Santa Clara de Asis” award. She acted on various television soap operas in Chile and co-hosted and organized the television special “El Festival en Bote” (“The Festival in Boat”) during the “Festival Internacional de la Cancion” (The International Festival of Songs) in Viña Del Mar, Chile. She also acted in the world famous club “Crazy Horse” in Santiago. On returning to Argentina, she starred in 3 different motion pictures by

King Films Motions Pictures, simultaneously, she performed for 2 consecutive seasons in “The Electric Magic Show” in the Sheraton of Buenos Aires where she reached high acclaim as an interpreter of tangos and ballads. The following year, Stella represented Argentina in the festival “Internacional Costa a Costa” (International Coast to Coast) in Uruguay, obtaining the award as “Best Interpreter,” also, she performed in the musicals “Fiddler on the Roof” and “Chorus Line” in Argentina which she again received the award “EL Rugantino de Oro” which is presented by La Cadena de Espectaculos (The Association of Performing Arts.) Later, in Miami she starred in 2 television soap operas en the Hispanic television channels and also in Miami Beach she had a tremendous success for her interpretation of “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.” Stella was also the star of the Buenos Aires show “Karim – Paris Style” In Her time in the US, she was contracted by Greg Thompson Productions to be the headline of shows such as “Womanism” for 6 months in the Japan Hilton Tokyo, “Heatwave” for 6 months in the Sheraton of Miami Beach, “King of Prussia” for 6 months in the Sheraton of Philadelphia, “Caribbean Carnival” 6 months in Miami. Also, she had numerous amount of shows directed and organized by Stella such as “2x4 Tango” with legendary tango singer Horacio Deval, “New Age Tango,” “Con Tango Art,” and “Los Grandes del Tango.” She did radio as well in Miami, her own productions as well, radio programs such as “Conversando Tangos” and “Milonga y Tango” each lasted a year. Stella has recorded 6 albums: “Baladas, Tangos al Estilo de Stella Milano”(“Ballads, Tangos in the style of Stella Milano”), “Mi Apellido es Buenos Aires” (“ My Last Name is Buenos Aires”), and “Tangos a Sabor de Mujer” (“Tangos with The Taste of Woman”) where she demonstrates her majesty, talent, and versatility of a great singer & Performer.Fuente Stella Milano